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Empowering Minds: An Alzheimer's & Dementia Awareness Program

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Join us for Empowering Minds: An Alzheimer's & Dementia Awareness Program hosted by the Eastern Monroe Public Library in collaboration with the Alzheimer's Association. This presentation is scheduled for Thursday, May 9th at 2pm in the Eisemann Room in the Hughes Library, located at 1002 N.. 9th Street, Stroudsburg, PA. The presentation aims to raise community awareness of Alzheimer's and dementia and inform attendees about valuable resources provided by the Alzheimer's Association. The presenter from the Alzheimer's Association will explain the urgency of addressing Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia, provide basic understanding of the diseases, share national and Pennsylvania-specific facts and figures, discuss the availability of new treatments, and highlight the diverse range of services offered by the Alzheimer's Association. Attendees will acquire valuable insights into these critical issues, and hopefully walk away with a better understanding of Alzheimer's and dementia and the resources available within our community. Registration required but walk-ins allowed as space permits. For more information and to register, call 570-421-0800 ext. 317.