By Pete Begley
Lisa VanWhy, the Republican candidate for State Representative in the 189th District, launched her campaign on Monday, March 18, 2024, in downtown Stroudsburg.
Ms. VanWhy was elected and served on the East Stroudsburg School Board for eight years, serving on various committees and as President of the ESASD School Board.
When asked if she had ever voted for a tax increase for the East Stroudsburg Area School District residents, Ms VanWhy answered that she had not.
When asked what issues stood out in her memory, she responded, "There is not just 1 simple answer, but I'll start with the overburdened taxpayer. Unfortunately, the union-backed school boards will cause additional tax burdens to our property owners by approving contracts the school budgets can't afford in the long term.
Ms VanWhy continued by saying that another issue was Election Integrity. "Monroe County electors must recognize this is one of the most important issues. Since no law says we must have dropboxes, why is the county still allowing them? There needs to be more transparency and integrity with the drop boxes. We must work hard to eliminate this unlawful practice" (Monroe County Democrat Commissioner Chairwoman Sharon Laverdure, which had been recorded on video dropping off multiple ballots in the last election where she was a candidate. Ms. Laverdure had served as the Chair of the Board of Elections).
Ms. VanWhy continued, "The recent PA House bill 1773 increases the tax burden on small businesses, and the increase is slated to affect all residents, forcing the cost of goods and services and unemployment to increase."
"Another issue never mentioned but I feel is important is the Fentanyl issue. Which also relates to immigration and crime."
TV News BRC Channel 13 filmed a report and interviewed Candidate VanWhy.
We asked those in the audience two questions:
• What are the main issues that a State Legislator should tackle when they get to Harrisburg?
• What must Candidate VanWhy do to win in a district that is more than 60% Democrat?
Pam Krieger stated that taxes are the most important issue facing Monroe County voters. When asked how Ms VanWhy can win such a Democratic majority district, she responded, "I think she needs to get her message across by knocking on doors to have that personal interaction with people and just to be herself, to be real."
Terry Cronin mentioned that Ms VanWhy must work towards ensuring election integrity.
Heidi Cohen said, "A state representative should focus on whatever issue appeals to the majority of voters/constituents. Right now, it is the economy. This appeals to most people because the cost of living in the United States, let alone Monroe County, is excessive. So, whatever a state representative can do within their control to focus on lowering the cost of living, i.e. Lowering taxes or cutting spending, or both, would be the number one issue."
This lends itself to the second question which is, "What does a Conservative/Republican candidate, who is running in a district that is majority Democrat, do to win?
Ms Cohen continued, "Appeal to the majority of voters... fortunately the hot topic being the economy and the cost-of-living appeals to all voters. It is a non-partisan issue. There will always be major differences on abortion; however, the high cost of living/inflation affects everybody negatively. In fact, so does illegal immigration which has a negative effect on the cost of living including the cost of services, healthcare, crime etc. These all end up costing more money in the long run."
Monroe County Republican Party Chairman Robert Butler said the issues are varied dealing with "anything from warehouses, solar fields, the economy", as well as "good jobs for people in this area and obviously great schools for our children".
On the large Democrat majority of registered voters, he said, "Lisa is up for the challenge, she has a good heart, is very passionate, and wants to do a lot for the community."
Ms VanWhy was born and raised in Monroe County. She and her husband of 38 years, Scott, have raised two children. She is a small business owner in downtown East Stroudsburg and had previously been appointed by the East Stroudsburg Borough Council to serve on the Rental Licensing Advisory Board. Ms VanWhy has volunteered to serve as a mentor for the Cosmetology classes at Monroe County Technical Institute.
A patriot at heart, she wishes for the Commonwealth to ever be free and flourishing.